Head of Department

Head of the Department of Management Sciences

avatar profilPr. SAHRAOUI IMENE

Head of the Department of Management Sciences

   036 620 744

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Assistant Head of the Department: Belatel Ayache


  • Tél. : 00 213 36 670 744
  • E-Mail : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


  • Monitoring the registration and re-registration processes for undergraduate students.
  • Ensuring the proper conduct of education.
  • Ensuring the smooth conduct of exams and knowledge assessment tests.

He is assisted by: :

  • Head of the Teaching Department.
  • Head of the Department of Education Monitoring and Evaluation.

Assistant Head of the Department: Mahleb Faiza


  • Tél. : 00 213 36 670 744
  • E-Mail : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


  • Ensuring the proper conduct of post-graduate education .
  • Ensuring the smooth conduct of specialized postgraduate training.
  • Ensuring the monitoring of research activities.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the department's scientific committee.

He is assisted by: :

  • Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Specialized Postgraduate Training
  • Head of the Department of Research Activity Monitoring

Directory of teachers

Directory of teachers

The scientific committee

Scientific Committee of the Department

Chairperson of the Committee:

  • Sofiane Messalta

Committee Members:

  • Salima reguad (Head of the Department)
  • Meryem kerwan
  • Sofiane Bouali
  • Hamza Djaafar
  • Najwa Rachedi

Meeting Agenda:

The scientific committee meetings of each department are held 15 to 20 days prior to the Scientific Council meeting of the college.

Department specializations

Specializations of the Department of Commercial Sciences

The undergraduate program includes the following specializations:

  1. Marketing
  2. International Trade

The postgraduate program includes the following specializations:


  1. Service Marketing
  2. Industrial Marketing
  3. Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
  4. Transportation Economics and Management
  5. International Trade

Doctorate (Third Cycle):

  1. Marketing Specialization
  2. International Trade Specialization

Head of Department

Head of the Department of Commercial Sciences

Ms. REGUAD Salimaavatar profil

Head of the Department of Commercial Sciences

   036 620 159

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Assistant Head of the Department: Guessas Tayeb


  • Tél. : 00 213 36 620 159
  • E-Mail :Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


  • Monitoring the registration and re-registration processes for undergraduate students.
  • Ensuring the proper conduct of education.
  • Ensuring the smooth conduct of exams and knowledge assessment tests.

He is assisted by: :

  • Head of the Teaching Department.
  • Head of the Department of Education Monitoring and Evaluation.

Assistant Head of the Department: Khelfi Rafik


  • Tél. : 00 213 36 620 159
  • E-Mail : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


  • Ensuring the proper conduct of post-graduate education .
  • Ensuring the smooth conduct of specialized postgraduate training.
  • Ensuring the monitoring of research activities.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the department's scientific committee.

He is assisted by: :

  • Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Specialized Postgraduate Training
  • Head of the Department of Research Activity Monitoring